Original work was published in January 2015 under the title of "A Fairy Sparrow" by Saravanan. Now, the writer wants to include his nickname as "Saravanan Evu" in the Revised Edition of the poetry published in March 2019. No changes made in the cover picture of the poem.
© Saravanan 2015 | Revised Edition © Saravanan Evu 2019
Rain starts to smile when,
dark clouds shut down the sky.
A fairy sparrow starts to fly,
to found a place to hide.
But, when it starts to fly
Storm passes..!
so the fairy sparrow afraid to fly.
Then it sat on a dry tree,
his eyes were shed with tears.
Because his faith was shut with
full of fears.
When rain falls on his eyes,
it wipes the tears from his eyes.
And it realized to have faith
on his life.
But it didn't bring hope
to his life.
The drop of his tears falls
on the flower bud which was
in the ground.
At the moment,
A flower blooms with the smile
which carry thorns on its stem.
Fairy sparrow feels wonder
when the flower smiles.
And realized, it smiles because
it carries the hope on its scope.
Then it wiped the tears
from his eyes,
and it hides the wounds
in his life.
Fairy sparrow seeks his wings to fly
then it flies away in the sky
with a smile.
Because faith and hope brings
the courage to the scope
of his life.